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Hazardous to the aquatic environment

According to of Annex I to CLP, classification of Hazardous to the aquatic environment may be based on two approaches:

1) summation method (CLP, Annex I,
2) additivity formulas (CLP, Annex I,

M-factor (Multiplying factor)

Specific Concentration Limits (SCLs) conception is not applied for the class Hazardous to the aquatic environment. Instead of this M-factors are applied. M-factors are substance specific and are only applicable to classification categories 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 1'. Values of M-factors are available in Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP in column "Specific Conc. Limits, M-factors and ATEs". If value is not provided in Annex VI to CLP, a company that places on the European Economic Area market such a substance should set M-factor.

M-factor is applied to 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 1' only. It is not applied to 'Aquatic Chronic 2-4'.

M-factor is used for:

a) calculation cut-off limits,
b) in the summation method for classification of a mixture.

Cut-off limit for 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 1' is established as 0.1 % (CLP, Annex I, Table 1.1), but the value may be different depending on M-factor. Cut-off is calculated using the below formula (CLP, Annex I,

Cut-off   =

For example, if M-factor equals to 1 the cut-off is 0.1 % (0.1/1). If M = 10 then cuf-off = 0.01 % (0.1/10) etc. In turn, cut-off limit for 'Aquatic Chronic 2', 'Aquatic Chronic 3' and 'Aquatic Chronic 4' does not depend from M-factor and equals to 1 % (CLP, Annex I, Table 1.1).

In case if a substance is classified both 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 1' and two M-factors are provided in Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP:

the first M is applied to first mentioned category of hazardous to the aquatic environment and second M is applied to second category.

In below example M = 10 is applied to 'Aquatic Acute 1' and M = 100 to 'Aquatic Chronic 1'.

Classification Specific Conc.
... Hazard Class and
Category Code(s)
Hazard statement
... Limits, M-factors and ATEs
... Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Acute 1
Aquatic Chronic 1 Aquatic Chronic 1
H400 H400
H410 H410
... M = 10 M = 10
? ×

M = 100 M = 100

In below example M = 10 is applied to 'Aquatic Acute 1' and M = 1 to 'Aquatic Chronic 1'.

Classification Specific Conc.
... Hazard Class and
Category Code(s)
Hazard statement
... Limits, M-factors and ATEs
... Skin Corr. 1B
Eye Dam. 1
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Acute 1
Aquatic Chronic 1 Aquatic Chronic 1
H400 H400
H410 H410
... M = 10 M = 10
? ×

M = 1 M = 1
C ≥ 5 %

In below example the same M = 100 is applied to both 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 1'.

Classification Specific Conc.
... Hazard Class and
Category Code(s)
Hazard statement
... Limits, M-factors and ATEs
... Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Acute 1
Aquatic Chronic 1 Aquatic Chronic 1
H400 H400
H410 H410
... M = 100 M = 100
? ×

M = 100 M = 100

The entity which places on the European Economic Area market substances as such, in mixture or in article is obliged to classify all substances, as well as to set M-factors for those classified as 'Aquatic Acute 1' and/or 'Aquatic Chronic 1'. As a consequence, if substance have no M-factor in Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP, it should be set to calculate classification.

In below example substance have no M-factor(s) established in CLP. Person responsible for classification decided to use M = 1 for 'Aquatic Acute 1' and M = 1 for 'Aquatic Chronic 1'.

Classification Specific Conc.
... Hazard Class and
Category Code(s)
Hazard statement
... Limits, M-factors and ATEs
... Acute Tox. 3
Aquatic Acute 1
Aquatic Chronic 1

In case if a substance is classified as both 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 1' and one M-factor is provided in Table 3 of Annex VI to CLP:

M is applied to both mentioned categories of hazardous to the aquatic environment (CLP, Annex VI,

In below example M = 10 000 is applied to both 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 1'.

Classification Specific Conc.
... Hazard Class and
Category Code(s)
Hazard statement
... Limits, M-factors and ATEs
... Acute Tox. 3
Acute Tox. 4
Aquatic Acute 1 Aquatic Acute 1
Aquatic Chronic 1 Aquatic Chronic 1
H400 H400
H410 H410
... M = 10 000 M = 10 000
? ×

1) Summation method

Calculation of classification Aquatic Acute 1

If the sum of the concentrations of ingredients classified as 'Aquatic Acute 1' multiplied by their corresponding M-factors is ≥ 25 % the whole mixture is classified as 'Aquatic Acute 1' (CLP, Annex I, and Table 4.1.1).

Sum of components classified as: Mixture is classified as:
Aquatic Acute 1 × M   ≥   25 % Aquatic Acute 1

Example 1
Example 2

Calculation of classification Aquatic Chronic 1

If the sum of the concentrations of ingredients classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 1' multiplied by their corresponding M-factors is ≥ 25 % the whole mixture is classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 1' (CLP, Annex I, and Table 4.1.2).

Sum of components classified as: Mixture is classified as:
Aquatic Chronic 1 × M   ≥   25 % Aquatic Chronic 1

Example 3
Example 4

Calculation of classification Aquatic Chronic 2

A mixture is classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 2' if 10 times the sum of the concentrations of all components classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 1' multiplied by their corresponding M-factors plus the sum of the concentrations of all components classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 2' is ≥ 25 % (CLP, Annex I, and Table 4.1.2).

Sum of components classified as: Mixture is classified as:
(M × 10 × Aquatic Chronic 1)
+ Aquatic Chronic 2   ≥   25 %
Aquatic Chronic 2

Example 5
Example 6

Calculation of classification Aquatic Chronic 3

A mixture is classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 3' if 100 times the sum of the concentrations of all components classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 1' multiplied by their corresponding M-factors plus 10 times the sum of the concentrations of all components classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 2' plus the sum of the concentrations of all components classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 2' is ≥ 25 % (CLP, Annex I, and Table 4.1.2).

Sum of components classified as: Mixture is classified as:
(M × 100 × Aquatic Chronic 1)
+ (10 × Aquatic Chronic 2)
+ Aquatic Chronic 3   ≥   25 %
Aquatic Chronic 3

Example 7
Example 8

Calculation of classification Aquatic Chronic 4

A mixture is classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 4' if the sum of the concentrations of components classified as 'Aquatic Chronic 1', 'Aquatic Chronic 2', 'Aquatic Chronic 3' and 'Aquatic Chronic 4' is ≥ 25 % (CLP, Annex I, and Table 4.1.2).

Sum of components classified as: Mixture is classified as:
Aquatic Chronic 1
+ Aquatic Chronic 2
+ Aquatic Chronic 3
+ Aquatic Chronic 4   ≥   25 %
Aquatic Chronic 4

Example 9
Example 10

2) Additivity formulas

If for components of a mixture only toxicity data are available with no information on hazard categories to the aquatic environment the additivity formulas are applied.

Acute aquatic toxicity is calculated based on following formula (CLP, Annex I,

Σ C i
C i


C i concentration of component i (%, w/w),
L(E)C50i (mg/l) LC50 or EC50 for component i,
n number of components, and i is running from 1 to n,
L(E)C50m L(E)C50 of the part of the mixture with test data.

Chronic aquatic toxicity is calculated based on following formula (CLP, Annex I,

Σ C i + Σ C j
C i
C j
0.1 × NOECj


C i concentration of component i (%, w/w) covering the rapidly degradable components,
C j concentration of component j (%, w/w) covering the non-rapidly degradable components,
NOECi NOEC (or other recognized measures for chronic toxicity) for component i covering the rapidly degradable components, in mg/l,
NOECj NOEC (or other recognized measures for chronic toxicity) for component j covering the non-rapidly degradable components, in mg/l,
n number of components, and i and j is running from 1 to n,
EqNOECm equivalent NOEC of the part of the mixture with test data.

If a mixture contains one component with no information on aquatic toxicity category, but toxicity data are available, the aquatic toxicity category of such component and an M-factor for aquatic acute 1 and/or aquatic chronic 1 should be defined (CLP, Annex I, 4.1.2) and then be used in the summation method.

The situation is possible when mixture may contains components with known aquatic toxocity (e.g. A = 15 % and B = 17 %) and several components (e.g. C = 22 % and D = 24 %) with no information on aquatic toxicity category, but their toxicity data are available. Additivity formula(s) should be used to calculate aquatic toxicity of part of a mixture consistion of C and D (46 %) and then, in a second step, be used in the summation method of three ingredients: A (15 %), B (17 %) and CD (46 %).

Hierarchy of hazard categories

Hazardous to the aquatic environment (short-term (acute)), category 1 (Aquatic Acute 1: H400)
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (long-term (chronic)), category 1 (Aquatic Chronic 1: H410)
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (long-term (chronic)), category 2 (Aquatic Chronic 2: H411)
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (long-term (chronic)), category 3 (Aquatic Chronic 3: H412)
Hazardous to the aquatic environment (long-term (chronic)), category 4 (Aquatic Chronic 4: H413)

A more severe classification for a mixture overrides a less severe classification. For example, if ingredients of a mixture lead to classification both as hazardous to the aquatic environment (long-term (chronic)) category 1 (Aquatic Chronic 1) and category 2 (Aquatic Chronic 2) the category 'Aquatic Chronic 1' must be selected.

In case if a mixture is classified as both hazardous to the aquatic environment (short-term (acute)) category 1 (Aquatic Acute 1) and one of the categories hazardous to the aquatic environment (long-term (chronic)) category 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, and because both belong to different modes of exposure (short- and long-term) both classifications must be indicated in hazard communication (label, section 2.2 of safety data sheet). For example, if ingredients of a mixture lead to classification both as 'Aquatic Acute 1' and 'Aquatic Chronic 2' both must be indicated.

In accordance with Article 27 and Part 1 of Annex III to CLP, if the hazard statement H410 'Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects' is assigned, the hazard statement H400 'Very toxic to aquatic life' does not need to be indicated in hazard communication (label, section 2.2 of safety data sheet). Furthermore, where a mixture is classified both in acute and long-term hazard categories, it is possible to use only hazard statement H410 in hazard communication (Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria, Part 4: Environmental hazards and Part 5: Additional Hazards, Version 4.0, Nov 2024, section 4.1.6). Hazard communication for hazards to the aquatic environment).

Aquatic hazard classification of a mixture Statement that could appear in the hazard communication
Acute 1: H400 Acute 1: H400
Acute 1: H400 and Aquatic Chronic 1: H410 Aquatic Chronic 1: H410
Acute 1: H400 and Aquatic Chronic 2: H411 Aquatic Chronic 1: H410
Acute 1: H400 and Aquatic Chronic 3: H412 Aquatic Chronic 1: H410
Acute 1: H400 and Aquatic Chronic 4: H413 Aquatic Chronic 1: H410
Aquatic Chronic 1: H410 Aquatic Chronic 1: H410
Aquatic Chronic 2: H411 Aquatic Chronic 2: H411
Aquatic Chronic 3: H412 Aquatic Chronic 3: H412
Aquatic Chronic 4: H413 Aquatic Chronic 4: H413

To select pictogram, signal word, hazard and precautionary statements please refer to Annex I, part 4, Table 4.1.1 of Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008 (CLP).

Example 11
Example 12

See also Example 8  and Example 10  in section Examples.

Additional labelling provisions

In case if no useable information on short-term (acute) and/or long-term (chronic) aquatic hazard is available for one or more relevant components, it is concluded that the mixture cannot be attributed to one or more definitive hazard category(ies). In this situation the mixture is classified based on the known components only, with the additional statement on the label and in the safety data sheet that: "Contains x % of components with unknown hazards to the aquatic environment" (CLP, Annex I,